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Today in Beacon's Rise is the 27th Day of the Silent Moon, 204th Harvest A.S.


Brian or Greg can happily recount the tale of our excursion in which we killed about 40 kobolds only to have 2 kill us off. In a sense we "lost" and failed the mission, BUT it was so much fun and I couldnt stop laughing about it for a long time. It was great!
So much happened to me this event, I'm certain I will leave something out. That's fantastic - even with little time to set up the camp, and even in the face of running the game on unfamiliar turf, you provided a top-notch game. I was busy all the time!
What a great event!!! Going through the portal was really cool and scary!
Overall, a spectacular game. I look forward to the next one with bells on.
...perhaps I am just going overboard with enthusiasm over what was the most enjoyable game experience I have ever had. It was like being in a fantasy comic book world that went and ran amok. Total chaos and surrealism. But fun.

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